Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Alanna Amilin bt Amiruddin


Name : Alanna Amilin bt Amiruddin
D.O.B : 2nd January 2008
Mummy : Nur Elina bt Syamsudin (my kakak angkat)
Daddy : Amiruddin b Mohd Ghazali (my english teacher in MRSM Kota Putra)

2 months old

Me a.k.a Cik Ra with sweet Alanna

Cik Ra & Izyan a.k.a. Cik Yea with Alanna

Fadzli a.k.a Uncle Li with Alanna

Alanna is cute rite?? so geram to cubit her pipi tau! she's also very peramah one.. wink* wink*

n... she's 6 months old now.....!!

6 months old

Kasih ibu membawa ke syurga... (Mummy with darling Alanna)

Kasih bapa membawa bahagia.... (Daddy with his angel)

Uncle Li & Cik Nor(not in da photo) playing with Alanna

I want to fly, Uncle Li!!! ahakss

Cik Ra & Alanna...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Darlings..

Well, these are my darlingsss..

The first one is my kitty, Mona.. My mum bought her for me during my 11th birthday.. hehe..

Mona is 10 years old now..

The second one is my Baby... my one n only Mohd Fauzan bought this for me during the first day we met..hehehe

I just couldn't sleep without my Baby..hehe

Mona & Baby


I just got my result about a week ago.. n Alhamdulillah, i'm very happy with it.. i manage to get the Dean's List for the third time.. quite sad because i didn't get it for other 2 semesters.. next semester will be my final sem to get my Diploma.. I hope i can score more on it.. Insyaallah... actually, my happiness is not really's my parents' happiness that counts.. I'm very happy to see that my parents are very happy with my performance in UiTM since I didn't do well during my school days..huhu.. i managed to get the Dean's List for my 1st, 2nd and the latest one,my 5th semester.. i was quite 'main-main' during the 3rd n 4th sem which had made my results dropped.. sob..sob..

Dean's List certificate..The 3rd one's coming soon....... hehehe

i'm not really active here in UiTM compared to my time in school.. during my 1st sem, i've participated in an essay competition and i managed to get the 3rd place.. not very good but i was very happy with it.. during the 3rd sem, my group which consists of Kak Syikin, Najwa, Khairul, Hanif & I had won the first place for a 'magazine cover design competition'.. Alhamdulillah again..

Essay competition certificate

Magazine cover design competition certificate

My Group: Najwa, Kak Syikin & Me.. missed out Hanif n Khairul!!

well, i have 1 semester left to be a proactive diploma student.. i hope i can contribute something to the Faculty of Communication & Media Studies, my parents and also to myself.... Insyaallah..amin...

Usaha, Doa, Tawakkal..Insyaallah

Good Old Friends..

Yesterday i went out to town with my old friend, Nik Amelin Murni.. Lame x jumpe dia!! almost 3 years i think.. huhu... since my mum has given me the green light to drive the car on my own, I went to picked her up at her house... hehehe... we went to KB Mall.. x de tempat lain dah...huhu..
after jalan- jalan for about an hour, we went to pick our friend, Nur Farhanim Adelin up at her house.. well, these two girls are my close friends since primary school.. then, the three of us went to Pantai Cahaya Bulan.. hehehehe...

Me & Amelin... waiting for Farhanim in the car..

Farhanim @ Noni minum air kelape... dah kurus sekarang!!

Amelin @ Mummy & Me @ Che Tut..ahak!!

The view of Pantai Cahaya Bulan

Rocky Rocks!!

The horizon... Masyaallah...nice!!

my good old friends..Noni & Mummy

Me & Noni..

Me & Mummy..

"Bile nak kuar lg mcm ni.. miss both of them very much!!!!"

Gonna miss her...

hmm.. my best friend, Yun Yi has gone to Korea for her internship program for a few months.. before she left, we managed to spent some quality time together.. 'lepaking' at my house... hehe...
well, i'm gonna miss Yun Yi very much..

Yun Yi... cute rite?? hehe..

Yun Yi & Me

with Yun Yi at my place

Yun Yi with my kitty, Mona..

message for YunYi: "Tepon la kalo ado maso.. guno satelite demo hok canggih tuh! hehehe.. Good Luck n take care!!"

WeDDinG, WeDDinG, WeDDinG....

Do you realize that there were a lot of wedding ceremonies held during the last 2 weeks school break? My mum said, she had been enjoying eating 'nasi minyak' at the kenduri almost everyday during the school break.. haha..

Well, i'm in my semester break right now.. Last 2 weeks, i had such an interesting moment. For the first time in my life, i attended my friend's wedding!! I attended Husna's wedding which was on 29th of May 2008.. i knew Husna at MRSM Kota Putra..we were in Form 4 at that time..

I was a bit shocked to hear that she was getting married since we're still young.. I was happy for her at the same time..hehe..

Since that, i started to think.. What's the reason of not marrying the person that you have serious and special relationship with, since you're ready with it?

Some people do not agree to get married at the early age. But for me, if you've already found your Mr. or Mrs. Right, and you're ready in terms of mental, physical and of course financial, it is not wrong for you to get married at an early age. Furthermore, in Islam, marriages can prevent ''maksiat". The most important thing is, the commitment that you're ready to give to your partner in order to have a harmonious life.

I went to Husna's wedding with my other two friends, Fadzli n Izyan.. The house is at Besut, Terengganu. We reached there quite late since Izyan had to attend her driving class that morning. Well, i was quite frustrated to miss the Majlis Persandingan. But, i was lucky because the dais was still there. As we reached there, Husna seemed very tired but still looked beautiful and berseri- seri with her white wedding dress. Well, 'pengantin baru' lah katakan.. hehe.. We managed to capture some photos with her..

Me, Husna & Izyan

Me, Husna & Fadzli

The 'hantaran' from the groom

One of the hantaran, Kitab Suci Al- Quran... nice...