Photo Communication.. hmm.. actually, i juz want to share with u guys a few of my photos which i've taken during my 3rd semester of Diploma.. i learnt Photo Communication in that semester.. I had to rent an SLR camera from one of my seniors for this subject..I went to many places to capture all the pictures.. I also have edited some of the photos to make it more beautiful and meaningful...especially to me.. huhuhu
mak aih~ byknyo gamba~
haha lawa lawa..
buleh rasa komunikasi foto itu :))
gambo zebra come kali.. hehee..
saya merindui puncak perdana!!!
SAYA juga!!!
well done..cantik gambar2 yg awak ambik.. erm..gambar tu utk projek2 awak tu ke?
Yun Yi,
lawa ko? tp x leh lawan mek tan kito ambik gmbar lagih..
ho la.. kito berkecek melalui foto.. malah wak tubek sogho..hahaha
zebra tu dok sedeyh.. mie dok gi malawat die..mie gak eh..
kite pun rindu kt puncak...jom naik bas 605, ataupun bas restu barakah.. gi puncak ramai2...hehehe
hehe...thanks for the compliment.. yup.. gambar utk projek sy.. tp x smua sy submit kt lcturer,.,,huhu
> xsubmit seme.nape? hehehe...
> sy dah update da sy fotopages n flickr so visit2 la ye,kat fotopages tu ada link for my flickr..
> keep it up da gud work..nice shoot..
thanks again..
sy dh tgk dh ur photos.. nice shots!!
hahaha~ tu dia...lamo teh tok online..nok jupo pung susoh~ isk isk
bz oghe...
ho la...baru wak masuk internet dale umoh sewo...isk2.. terharu..huhu
yo ko~ kalu on9 tuh buzz buzz la deh~
i miss u toooo~~~~
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