Hello everybody!
hmm.. lame x update blog ni.. There're too many things to update but I don't think I can do it.. huhu..banyak sgt!
After all the good and bad things happened to me, I found myself stronger than before.. Thanks to all people who have been supporting me through good and bad times and also thank u to the people who had let me down..huh? well, to think in the postive way, they have taught me about the reality of life..
Syukur Alhamdulillah.. I'm so grateful to Allah for giving me the strength to survive...
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah..
I'm going through a happy life now.. Let me list down all the good things I'm having now..
1) Doing practical training at Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn. Bhd. / KLIA (it's a big company) with nice and wonderful supervisor (Cik Wan Hasnezareena, PR Manager) and collegues (Kak Kam, Kak Zydah, Kak Tini, Kak Pathma and Lina.. *Thank you to all of them for teaching and supporting me here.. You have given me an unforgettable wonderful experience!
2) Engaged to my Mohd Fauzan bin Mohamed @ Encik Poje on 27th July 2010. =)
3) Mama lets me borrow her Kancil for my practical training. (have to travel from Putrajaya to KLIA everyday! sometimes from Gombak and Hillpark! pheww.. jauhnye nk gi keje kan?)
4) Staying at K.Yana's house at Putrajaya.. (tak payah carik rumah sewa lg dah..)
5) On 3rg August 2010, a new member of our family has arrived.. my cute baby nephew *Ilman Hussein bin Mohd Hafiz*.. Congrats K.Yana n A. Apis!
6) Got good results in my previous semester! CGPA pun dh naik.. hehe..Alhamdulillah..
7) Nice academic advisor.. (Cik Wan Hartini Wan Zainodin)
hmm.. I thinks that's all for now.. Actually, everything happened in my life now is wonderful.. I really hope that it will not come to an end.. Insyaallah...
Usaha, Doa, Tawakkal.... Insyaallah...